The skin is the largest organ of our body, consisting of three completely different layers. The outer epidermis, inner dermis, and subcutis. The skin is an organ that gives us signs that our body is missing something

Various types of eczema, dryness, dermatitis can appear on the skin. When you notice changes in your skin, always examine your bowels or think about whether you have a digestive problem.

Spring is a time when a lot of things change in our body and the weak points of the body itself come to the fore.

If you experience changes in your skin intensified in the spring, deal with food and dietary supplements to improve your skin.

Dietary recommendations:

  • Avoid gluten (wheat, rye, oats, barley) is a gluten-free diet. Omit all the above cereals, while rice, potatoes, corn, buckwheat and millet can be used.
  • Examples of substitute foods: rice pasta, chickpea flour for seasoning dishes, polenta, corn and rice extrudate (styrofoam), real corn bread (not mixed with wheat), corn flakes, rice cooked in almond milk, red or brown rice as a side dish potatoes in all ways, in the soup instead of pasta you can cook millet or taranica made of eggs and chickpea flour or spoonfuls made of boiled rice, eggs and butter.
  • Note: it is not always necessary to eliminate gluten completely, but wheat that we take in through dough, bakery products, bread, cakes, etc., must be
  • Avoiding the sugars fructose and lactose
  • In order to establish a healthy intestinal flora, fruits and vegetables with a lower fructose content should be selected for the next 3 months, while avoiding lactose (cow’s milk).
  • Foods with a higher fructose content to avoid: fruits – apple, pear, guava, papaya, watermelon, grapes, and all dried fruits
  • Other – corn syrup and all foods containing it (short for HFCS declarations), maple syrup, agave nectar, white sugar, brown sugar, maple sugar, sugar syrup, honey, concentrated fruit juices, ketchup, etc., biscuits, pastries with fruit filling, jam, sweet spreads, pastries, croissant, pancakes, donuts… (the worst foods are those that combine gluten, sugar and margarine such as cakes, cookies, etc.)
  • Fruits with a lower fructose content are allowed:
    first choice: cherries, peaches, nectarines, lemons
    second choice: apricots, blackberries, cranberries, blueberries, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, kiwi, rhubarb, tamarind, ripe banana, melon

Other recommendations:

As a substitute for white sugar, use sweeteners made from the Stevia plant, coconut sugar

Instead of sweets, eat almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, cakes made without flour (beaten eggs, powdered Stevia sweetener, ground poppy or carob or almonds). Occasionally you can also eat whipped cream with fruit that is on the list of allowed.

Liquid: water (preferably alkaline ionized), lemonade without sugar, naturally squeezed herbal tea, vegetable juices (without beets).

never take cold drinks with a meal or for an hour after a meal, while hot drinks are allowed with and after a meal.

Instead of pate, you can use various homemade spreads of boiled chickpeas and sesame (tahini), then boiled beans (add a little olive oil, a little lemon juice, salt, ground sesame, etc.).

Avoid fried, breaded and fatty foods (fried potatoes, donuts, chips …) because it is a source of lipid peroxides (toxic to the liver, they stimulate inflammation !!!), and trans – unsaturated fatty acids !!!

use only cold-pressed oils (olive and flaxseed) that have an anti-inflammatory effect and should be used without heating (salads, boiled ..). Other types of fats especially margarine and sunflower oil should be avoided in food preparation.

Spicy and spicy foods, hot and cold, sugar, puff pastry and all products thereof, donuts, crackers, carbonated drinks, industrial fruit juices, beer, vinegar, mustard, mayonnaise, pepper, smoked and canned food should be avoided…

coffee and all foods containing caffeine should be avoided. You can use herbal coffee (divka, Kneip, yanoh, etc.) with the addition of rice, almond or coconut milk.

alcohol- decomposes in the liver, and causes unconditional damage to other organs.

Examples of breakfast for people suffering from skin problems:




Dietary supplements, ie vitamins and minerals that may be deficient in skin problems are:

  • B vitamins – Niacin, but also other B vitamins
  • And vitamin – the most important vitamin for skin health
  • Zinc is one of the most important minerals for skin health
  • Selenium as a pronounced antioxidant
  • C vitamin I Copper are very important to us for the synthesis of collagen in the body, which affects the skin, hair, joints, so the essence of vitamin C intake is copper copper diet
  • In addition to the above vitamin I mineral as a dietary supplement are important:
  • Probiotics bacto flor 1×1 3 months and liquid live m.o. 2×20 ml for another 3 months
  • Omega 3 fatty acids and enough vitamin D.

External skin care

is also of great importance and for that you have an excellent Styler cream. But before using the cream, we would definitely recommend cleansing the skin with Oxilver spray based on active oxygen, which protects against infection and also oxygenates the skin and encourages faster regeneration and recovery.

COLLAGEN is extremely important in skin damage.

Collagen is a polypeptide, which belongs to the group of glycoproteins, in skeletal proteins in addition to creatine and elastin.

Collagen makes up 1/3 of all mammalian proteins, about 30% of the proteins in the body are collagen.

Collagen prevents water loss in the tissue, and due to poor elasticity gives strength and stability to the tissue.

There are 19 different types of collagen.

Collagen is a protein very important for the construction of skin, tendons, joints, connective tissues, it is present in blood vessels, digestive system, bones. He is the one who is responsible for the aging and appearance of our skin. It protects our joints during physical exertion, so in combination with omega3 and vitamin C it is necessary for athletes and recreationists.

After the age of 25, the rate of collagen decline is 1.5% per year. In addition to aging, collagen production is also affected by lifestyle. Smoking, sweet, bakery products all this also negatively affects collagen production.

You can find collagen in creams, but they have no effect on the skin and connective tissues, while collagen from food has the effect of increasing collagen production in the body.

Sources of collagen are fish, eggs, beef and chicken.

There are 3 types of collagen, type 1 is the most common in our body. Cow collagen is type 1 and 3, chicken collagen is type 2, and fish is the one we need the most and fish contains type 1 collagen. Eggs are also a source of type 1 collagen.

In order for collagen to be produced and bound, it is necessary to ingest vitamin C (fruits and vegetables), omega-3 fruits and seeds.

By taking collagen as a supplement, we can act on the body by strengthening the joints, regulating digestion, tightening the skin.

It is best to take collagen orally with vitamin C in combination.

Our recommendation for collagen replacement – Collamin drink which contains collagen and hydrolyzed amino acids, folic acid and B complex. You can order it HERE.

These diet tips for people with skin problems, but also many others, are brought to us by our associate Alma Bunić from Nutriforma. Follow it, if you haven’t already, because good advice, gold is worth it.

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