5 savjeta za život s limfedemom

5 savjeta za život s limfedemom

Borba, Iskustva i Nove Perspektive Jedan od manje poznatih, ali značajnih problema koji pogađa oko čak 250 milijuna ljudi diljem svijeta je limfedem – stanje uzrokovano nakupljanjem limfne tekućine koje za posljedicu ima oticanje pojedinog dijela tijela, načešće u...
Anti Age Bodies

Anti Age Bodies

Nothing is so appealing on a woman as nurtured and soft skin! There is constant talk about anti-aging or slowing down the aging of the face, but often the skin on the body is neglected, which also needs care. She’s getting old too. Body skin care is much simpler...
Do you have a genetic predisposition for cellulite?

Do you have a genetic predisposition for cellulite?

It is known that food intake and consumption are the most important for maintaining body weight or for weight loss, but hormones do not play a less important role either. We are all born with some predispositions, so the hormonal predisposition significantly...
Anti Age High Care program 007

Anti Age High Care program 007

If you have noticed that your face has fallen, the skin is wrinkled, and somehow it is no longer smooth and taut as before. The skin is relaxed and no longer has that glow and volume, it’s time to dedicate a little more to it. This is the program for you! How to...
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